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The software development industry is dynamic and complex. As automation and new tools and technologies increase, the software development process constantly evolves and poses new challenges. To boost productivity and dependability in software development projects, it’s critical to have a solid grasp of the main challenges and create a methodical approach to dealing with each issue. Our highly experienced software development consultants, who have successfully tackled numerous challenges in the industry, share the top challenges they’ve seen—and the solutions.

Limited Infrastructure

The complexity of IT infrastructure increases with the rapid pace at which software is developed. Some of our clients are faced with multiple legacy applications that no longer effectively handle current business needs. However, successful software development, with its top-notch tools, efficient test and pre-production environments, powerful platforms, and streamlined data storage design, can be a reality. Organizations must assess their infrastructure and ensure there is a clear and concise framework in place, a solution that not only enables smooth software development but also increases efficiency, minimizes costs, and enhances communication and collaboration.

Changing Requirements

Software development projects involve constant adaptation to meet changing requirements, such as increasing scalability or additional capabilities. With the implementation of proper methodology, effective communication channels, and team members’ flexibility, the team is always prepared to face challenges and can respond quickly. When our clients face such challenges, we’ve provided Senior Development and Architect level consultants to evaluate current applications and provide design recommendations. This reassures organizations that they are able to embrace the changes, adapt, and ensure that projects run smoothly, fostering a sense of confidence in their ability to handle challenges.

Systems & Applications Integration

With all the different technologies, systems, and applications available for organizations, integrating new software adds a higher level of intricacy. Organizations must thoroughly evaluate their current system and its dependencies to identify potential obstacles and implement Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to allow systems to work together seamlessly. Furthermore, while integrations save money and time, organizations must also ensure that the APIs don’t impact existing functionalities or create new vulnerabilities. Recently, our client was looking to integrate enterprise business applications with auxiliary applications, including billing, finance, and supply chain, but was hesitant about the complexity of the projects. Clearbridge provided developers with prior experience developing similar business applications using the same programming languages and tools to solve the client’s requirements. In addition, ClearBridge has provided development and integration support for Low-Code Application projects including both ServiceNow and Salesforce implementation and integration projects.

Data Privacy and Security

The likelihood of cyberattacks and data breaches increases as software becomes more complex and integrated with many systems. Developers, along with all others involved in the project, must keep up to date on the latest security threats and data protection regulations and implement robust security policies. Throughout the development lifecycle, developers must prioritize security, such as adhering to secure coding practices, implementing encryption and authentication systems, regulating access restrictions, carrying out penetration testing, and conducting frequent vulnerability assessments.

Emerging Technologies

The technology industry is evolving rapidly, making it difficult for businesses to stay current with the newest frameworks, tools, and trends. While new technologies provide more opportunities for developers, they also introduce new challenges. For example, the rapid developments of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can revolutionize business functions through automation, predictive analysis, supply chain optimization, etc.; however, they also bring significant concerns in intellectual property, privacy, and security. It is critical to stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape of new technologies. By adapting to these changes, emerging technologies can become an invaluable ally, impacting software development. Therefore, organizations must prioritize flexibility and scalability in their development processes so they can promptly adapt to new technologies and respond to changing market needs. By establishing partnerships with technology experts at staffing companies, organizations can quickly leverage specialized consultants to implement new software successfully.

Lack of Skilled Resources

As more organizations engage in digital transformation, the demand for technical expertise often exceeds the supply, leading to talent shortages. Our clients contact ClearBridge more frequently because they lack technical expertise in a given technology or lack the bandwidth to handle the workload. As a staffing firm, we can meet niche technical needs and round out internal teams to complete critical projects, saving time, simplifying the process, and improving speed to market. 

Final Thoughts

Software development is a complex process with its own set of challenges. The right strategies and solutions can overcome these challenges. Organizations can navigate the software development landscape successfully by confirming a robust infrastructure, adapting to changing requirements, addressing integration issues, ensuring data privacy and security issues, and retaining top talent.

Whatever challenges your organization faces, ClearBridge can provide experienced consultants to help you develop systems to connect, interact, and operate to meet the challenges facing businesses and achieve success.

Contact ClearBridge now to get started developing the applications you need.